//ATS = 14 75 A2 A8 03 80 69 AF 02 04 01 36 00 02 0A 0E 83 3E 9F 00 B0 BE

//--ATS length 0x16(22) bytes

//ATS structure includes length byte TL, format byte T0, interface byte

//--TA1, TB1, TC1, history byte and 2 bytes CRC. The ATS structure is as follows:

//----TL is the length byte of ATS(mandatory), its length includes itself but does not include the CRC

//----------The maximum size of the ATS shall not exceed the indicated FSD. Therefore the

//--------------maximum value of TL shall not exceed FSD-2.


//--         - T0 ................... Format byte     (Mandatory)

//--         - TA1, TB1, TC1, ....... Interface byte  (Optional)

//--         - T1, T2, ... ,TK ...... Historical byte (Optional)

//--         - CRC1, CRC2 ........... Checksum        (Mandatory)


//TL( Length byte )                   = 14

//----This byte means ATS length(include CRC) = 22


//T0( The Format character )          = 75


//--Y1 : indicator for the presence of the interface characters

//--       TA1 is transmitted when b4=1  

//--       TB1 is transmitted when b5=1  

//--       TC1 is transmitted when b6=1  

//--       b7 should be 0   

//--FSCI : defines the maximum size of a frame accepted by the PICC(0-14, The default value of FSCI is 2)

//--           Informations provided by T0

//--T0 indicatd number of interface characters and FSCI

//----- The most significant half byte (b4, b5, b6) is named Y1 and indicates

//-------- with a logic level ONE the presence of subsequent characters TA1, TB1, TC1 respectively.

//----- The least significant half byte (b3 to b0) is named FSCI(0 to 14)

//--------The most significant half byte = 7(  0 1 1 1  ) means indicate has these interface bytes  TA1 TB1 TC1

//----The least significant half byte = 5


//----means FSC = 64


//TA1                                 = A2

//----The most significant bit 7 codes the possibility to handle different

//------divisors for each direction. When this bit is

//------set to 1 the PICC is unable to handle different divisors for each direction.

//----The bits 6,5,4 code the bit rate capability of the PICC for the

//------direction from PICC to PCD, called DS. The default value shall be (000)b.

//------The bit 3 shall be set to (0)b and the other value is RFU

//----The bits 2,1,0 code the bit rate capability of the PICC for the direction

//------from PCD to PICC, called DR. The default value shall be (000)b.


//----bit7 = 1, indicating that the both directions communication rate is 424K


//TB1                                 = A8

//----define the FWT(frame waiting time) and the SFGT(start-up frame guard time)

//----The most significant half-byte b7 to b4 is called FWI and codes FWT

//------The least significant half byte b3 to b0 is called SFGI and codes

//--------a multiplier value used to define the SFGT


//----means FWT = 309.314 ms, SFGT = 77.328 ms


//TC1                                 = 03

//----The most significant bits b7 to b2 shall be (000000)

//------The bits b2 and b1 define which optional fields in the prologue field a PICC does support

//------The default value shall be (10)b indicating CID supported and NAD not supported


//----CID supported, NAD supported


//80 69 AF 02 04 01 36 00 02 0A 0E 83 3E 9F 00

//----is history bytes

//----Category indicator byte   = 80

//------Compact TLV data object

//----------69 --- Tag: 6, Len: 9(pre-issuing data)

//------------Data: AF 02 04 01 36 00 02 0A 0E "꼀$è£6@$Å"

//----------83 --- Tag: 8, Len: 3(status indicator)

//------------LCS (life card cycle): 3E


//------------SW: 9F 00

//--------------9F 00 Is SW, means --- 成功,有超过0xff个字节的信息等待GET RESPONSE


//B0 BE

//--------------------CRC Correct